One Simple Formula to Master the Perfect ChatGPT/Gemini Prompt

Writing the perfect prompt is vital for generating high-quality outputs from large language models. Some prompts give generic outputs, but a well-written prompt can give you precisely what you are looking for.   

 To maximize your outputs with ChatGPT or Other LLMs, you can follow these eight steps to help you craft effective prompts for personal or business use.  

Eight Steps to follow for the Perfect Prompt​

Before we dive into the steps, you should remember that not every prompt necessarily needs to include all the steps discussed below. It depends on your requirements and what you aim to achieve.

  1. Define Your Goal: The goal is your starting point. Clearly articulate what you wish to achieve with the LLM. This goal could range from obtaining specific information and generating creative content to solving complex problems. Reflect on your desired outcome and how it aligns with your broader objectives, whether enhancing a project, learning something new, or automating a task.
  2. Provide Context: Context is key to narrowing down the scope of the LLM’s response and ensuring relevance. It includes background information, relevant details about your project or question, and any constraints you want to impose on the task. The amount of context needed can vary; more complex tasks require more detailed backgrounds, while simpler tasks might need just a few clarifying details.
  3. Determine the Format: Define the format in which you want the response. It could be a list, table, detailed report, script, or any other structured format. Specifying the format helps organize the information in a way that’s most useful to you.
  4. Incorporate Exemplars (When Applicable): Exemplars are specific examples or templates that guide the LLM toward the desired output style or structure. They could be a sample paragraph, a data structure, or a code snippet. Exemplars help set a clear standard or model for what you expect in the response.
  5. Specify the Action: Clearly state what you want the LLM to do. Use action verbs like “generate,” “analyze,” “create,” or “provide.” This clarity helps the LLM understand what the expected output should be.
  6. Choose a Persona: Choosing a persona involves imbuing the LLM with a specific character or expertise to tailor the response. For instance, you might want the LLM to respond as a seasoned software developer, a creative writer, a professional consultant, or a teacher. This helps align the response’s tone and depth of knowledge with your expectations.
  7. Set the Tone: Decide on the emotional tone of the response. It could be formal, casual, enthusiastic, or any other tone that suits your purpose. The tone can significantly impact the readability and engagement level of the output.
  8.  Follow-up Prompting: Engage in a dialogue with the LLM. Use follow-up prompts to refine, expand, or clarify the information provided. This iterative process can help you dig deeper into a topic or fine-tune the outputs.

Here is an Example for perfect prompt:

Imagine you’re a friendly expert in money matters (Persona). Your task (Goal) is to write an easy-to-read blog post for young people who want to know more about investing in cryptocurrencies. Since many young professionals are interested in this topic (Context), the blog should explain crypto investing in simple terms. Make the blog look like a story (Format), including tips and stories of people who’ve done well with crypto, similar to Jane Doe’s blog posts (Exemplar). Start off (Action) by listing the main ideas, such as what cryptocurrency is, how to start investing, and how to avoid losing money. Keep the blog friendly and a bit funny (Tone) to help readers feel at ease and interested.