Top 5 best corses of nextJS

Master Next.js: The 5 Best Courses of NextJS Reviewed!

In this article, we will discuss the Best Courses of NextJS that you can take to enhance your web development experience. 

Next.js is one of the most used frameworks in 2023 according to developers on StackOverflow, and it is expected to grow even more by 2024. Next.js is an open-source web development framework that provides React-based web applications with server-side rendering and static website generation. This popular framework offers features such as automatic code splitting, TypeScript support, server-side rendering, and more. These unique features and Next.js’s capabilities enable developers to code more swiftly and efficiently, building performance-driven apps.

Table of Contents

Best Courses of NextJS

Here, we will explore the 5 Best Courses of NextJS that you can take to enhance your web development experience. 

Best Courses of NextJS by udemy

Through an extensive collection of video lectures, complemented by detailed diagrams and real-world examples, this course ensures a thorough understanding of Next’s capabilities, requiring no pre-existing knowledge of the framework. The instructor has crafted a learning experience that is both rigorous and encouraging, with layers of knowledge built one at a time and ample dialogue to contextualize each feature of Next. This course has more than 11,000 students enrolled. 

This is one of the most detailed courses on Next available online. The instructor claims that no stone will be left unturned in this resource-packed course.

This course includes:
  • 15.5 hours on-demand video
  • 11 articles
  • 113 downloadable resources
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion
Here is What you’ll learn:
  • Make incredibly performant web apps using NextJS
  • Understand the differences between running NextJS in development and production environments
  • Utilize four different caching systems to speed up request response times
  • Use the latest React tech with Server Components to build streaming interfaces
  • Implement robust and secure user authentication with the Next Auth library
  • Build complicated routing structure by using route interception and parallel routing
  • Automatically update and refresh data with the use of Server Actions with Revalidation
  • Optimize image fetching and loading through the use of Next’s Image component
  • Add robust form validation and handling by implementing React’s new useFormState hook
Nextjs bestseller course

This course on Next.js is a bestseller on Udemy with over 109,000 students enrolled. This course covers both the NextJS “App Router” & the “Pages Router” – two different approaches for building full-stack apps with React! And, of course, you’ll learn what these two approaches are, why two different approaches exist and how each approach works! This course will take you from NextJS beginner to advanced level in no time! You’ll start at the very basics, no NextJS knowledge is required at all, and we’ll then dive into all the core features that make up NextJS. Both in theory as well as with multiple real projects where all concepts will be applied step-by-step.

This course includes:
  • 32 hours on-demand video
  • 29 articles
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Closed captions
  • Certifica
What you’ll learn
  • Learn how to build full-stack React apps with NextJS 14 & the App Router
  • Build real projects and apply what you learned with hands-on projects and examples
  • Learn about different ways of building NextJS app – App Router vs Pages Router
  • Get started with React Server Components, Client Components, data fetching & more!
  • Handle data submissions via Server Actions
  • Learn all key NextJS features like pre-rendering, SSR, data fetching, file-based routing and authentication
  • Take the full course or the “NextJS Summary” module for a quickstart if you have limited time
Next.js by Example best course on udemy

The course now also covers Server Actions, made stable in Next.js v14 (released Oct. ’23), in addition to the other App Router features stable since Next.js v13.4 (May ’23). The first 13 hours explain the App Router and the rest of the older — but still supported — Pages RouterThis course will guide you through learning Next.js by developing a complete project step by step.

This course will teach you fundamental Next.js concepts such as file-based RoutingPrerenderingReact Server Components, the differences between Server and Client Components, and how to fetch data in Server Components. In this course, you will also learn the popular Tailwind CSS framework for styling, demonstrate how to embed Custom Fonts into your application, and how to make your pages more SEO-friendly with metadata.

The Deployment section will present you the various options for running your application in production, from using a fully-managed platform like Vercel to performing a Static Export that can be uploaded to any web server. You will also learn to use Next.js as a Full-Stack Framework, enabling features such as Dynamic RenderingTime-based Revalidation, and On-demand Revalidation.

This course includes:
  • 21.5 hours on-demand video
  • 13 articles
  • downloadable resources
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion
What you’ll learn
  • Develop web applications with Next·js
  • Style components with Tailwind CSS
  • Build fully static websites or full-stack applications
  • Fetch data from a remote API such as a Headless CMS
  • Integrate with an SQL database using the Prisma ORM
  • Implement Authentication with Cookies and JSON Web Tokens

If you don’t want to spend your money on these paid courses, consider taking this course, which is quite good.

In this course, you will learn how to harness the full potential of Next.js, the advanced React framework that is revolutionizing web development. You will start by understanding what sets Next.js apart from traditional React development, including its full-stack capabilities that eliminate the need for additional backend technology. From routing to rendering, APIs to data fetching, this course covers everything!

The total length of this video series is 5 hours and 34 minutes.

In this course, you will learn:
  • Fundamentals of Next.js: Understanding the framework’s architecture and how it enhances React development.
  • File-Based Routing: Simplifying page setup and navigation without third-party libraries.
  • Server-Side and Client-Side Rendering: Optimizing application performance and SEO.
  • Data Fetching: Implementing efficient data retrieval directly within React components.
  • Styling Options: Exploring and applying CSS Modules, Tailwind CSS, and CSS-in-JS.
  • Automatic Optimizations: Enhancing user experience with built-in optimizations for images, fonts, and scripts.
  • Building Full-Featured Applications: Creating robust, scalable, and production-ready web applications using Next.js.

This Next.js – The Full Course provides an in-depth look into the Next.js App Router. It puts React Server Components into practice by building a full-stack application from scratch with PostgreSQL and Prisma.

What will I learn?
  • Everything you need to be productive with modern Next.js
  • Complex topics explained in 100 seconds
  • Design patterns with React Server Components (RSC)
  • How to choose optimal rendering strategies
  • Dynamic routing and project organization
  • Advanced data fetching and caching
  • User authentication with Auth.js
  • Data modelling with Postgres and Prisma
  • How to migrate from previous versions of Next.js
What you will be building?

You will build a simple Social Media Platform inspired by sites like MySpace and Facebook where users can befriend each other. The goal of this project is to introduce you to Next’s rendering, data-fetching, and caching strategies.